Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Buried Treasure

So I came across a new pair of jeans. Well, new to me. They've been hiding in the closet of the spare room ever since we moved to Spring--oh my gosh, almost 3 years ago!

There was a little more Shannon back then, so these jeans did not fit at all when I got them (I believe another gift from Aunt Maggie). But for some reason I wanted to keep them, so they were shoved into the back of the closet.

Why do we do this? Is it a hopeful thing? We dream of one day fitting into something, so we keep it? How much clothing do we keep in our closets that we don't actually wear?

Anyway, I came across them in my recent cleaning binge, and they did fit. Quite nicely. In fact, they were a bit loose, super comfy, and didn't drag on the ground around my ankle at all (perfect for a job where I find myself walking over mud and gravel half the time).

Coupled with another gift of Kelly's, the shirt I altered at the last minute with a pair of scissors.

I think I had some secret inspiration from my friend, Meg, whose blog I recently stumbled across again. This post was just so sweet! Total serendipity.

Anyway, the ruffles on the front of this tank were huge; they made me look like a busty peacock. So I just took the scissors to them and really trimmed them down before I walked out the door...and I think it was an improvement!

1 comment:

Clay and Megan said...

Yay! I like the shirt. Spontaneous alterations are the best :)