Thursday, July 15, 2010

Many Happy Returns

When has returning stuff ever been fun?

When it's been 6 months on the barren landscape of no purchasing. That's when.

I had to take back the kind gift from Mikers and Janie. What was beautiful on the hangers was not so on Shannon; try as I might to contort myself in front of the mirror, neither top really fit me.

So back I went to Anthropologie, where they no longer had the same clothes for an exchange of size. Suddenly I was standing in my favorite store with lots (thanks again, brother&girlfriend!) of store credit.

Let me just tell you, that dressing room was packed. I think I tried on everything in the store.

I might have taken some of the housewares in there with me, just to hold a teapot while I wore that cute 60s-style dress.

As you can see, my sister helped me. It came down to choices between favorites, and I found myself looking at price tags again. It's been half a year since I've done that! (Remember, window shoppers have no budget.)

I was also tempted to return to some of my old ways. Basically, a great pair of pants with anchors on the buttons tried to come home with me simply because they were so on sale. I could have brought home my favorite shirt and those pants!

But they didn't really fit quite right. They weren't perfect, they were just exciting because they were on sale (and, of course, the anchor buttons.)

So I left them there. And now I've been wearing these 2 tops like I don't even own anything else. I took them to 6th Street last weekend. Not too sure if I can even part with them for dry cleaning. Probably how moms feel that first day of kindergarten. I'll look for a support group.

1 comment:

Kelly Tarleton said...

(Anthropologie shirts) "We love you too, Shannon!"